Bienfaits Acides Aminés

The benefits of amino acids on hair

Have you heard about the benefits of amino acids on hair and want more information? Do you want to know which foods contain amino acids?

You are in the right place, through this article we will share with you everything you need to know about the benefits of amino acids on hair:

  • Strengthen the hair structure in significant ways
  • Improves hair growth
  • Moisturizes hair cuticles

What are amino acids

Amino acids are microorganisms that play an essential role in the functioning of our body. Today, more than 500 are known. Among them, 140 participate in the composition of proteins, which are macromolecules.

They have many functions of major importance within the living cell. Some amino acids are not considered proteins, but they play an essential role in certain metabolic processes.

Girl with Curly Hair

Amino acids and their importance for healthy hair

Methionine to prevent hair loss

Methionine prevents hair loss Methionine contains sulfur and forms chains, which in turn connect to each other. This is absolutely what happens to the hair. Methionine can significantly strengthen hair structure .

Methionine can also help with alopecia. In 2006, the results of a study in which thirty patients suffering from alopecia participated were published. The thirty patients were divided into two groups. A preparation based on amino acids and B vitamins was injected into a first control group, while a placebo was injected into the second group.

The result: one year later, the group to which methionine had been injected had 10% more hair located in the anagen phase than in the placebo group.

Arginine promotes hair growth

Arginine is an amino acid with a tremendous impact on hair growth . As a precursor of nitric oxide, it has a very significant influence on hair growth.

In addition, the vasodilator effects of arginine facilitate hair growth with the help of nitric oxide formed from arginine, which opens the cells' potassium channels. This allows perfect irrigation of the roots and stimulates hair growth.

To learn more about this amino acid, discover the benefits of arginine on hair in this article.

Glutamine is necessary for hair development

Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the body. Indeed, the body produces glutamine itself, but over time, it no longer produces sufficient quantities. This is why a glutamine food supplement from old age is particularly useful for those who wish to strengthen the structure of their hair .

The need for glutamine is significantly higher during times of stress or physical fatigue. Indeed, glutamine is created from glutamic acid. By feeding it with sulfur necessary for hair growth. Glutamic acid has the ability to strengthen hair.

Amino acids for soft and silky hair

Moisture retention is just as important for hair as it is for skin. Amino acids contribute to the hydration of dry cuticles. The cuticle is the most exposed part of the hair and plays an important role in moisture retention.

This is because the amino acids in the cuticles act to retain moisture. This is why dull, dehydrated hair is a sign of serious cuticular damage and a lack of amino acids. More and more people are mistreating their hair with the use of coloring products and other very aggressive products to damage the hair and the cuticles in particular.

Using shampoos, conditioners and treatments containing certain amino acids help promote moisture retention and limit hair loss. Following a treatment rich in amino acids is strongly recommended during the anagen phase of hair which is the fastest phase of hair growth.

Indeed, consume food supplements rich in amino acids because the daily intake of amino acids provided by food is often very insufficient.

Salmon Toast

The 10 foods richest in amino acids


The egg, a food full of rich proteins and amino acids.

Soy Beans

Soy beans are very rich in protein, but also in minerals, vitamins and fiber. They also contain a lot of Zinc, iron, potassium and vitamin E.

The tuna

Tuna This is a very good choice for anyone looking for a source of protein that would go with their salad.


Scallops In addition, being a very good source of amino acids. A very good source of omega 3 and vitamin B12. They also contain a lot of magnesium and potassium.

The chicken

Chicken is a very good source of amino acids and is also rich in Niacin and Selenium, a good way to obtain low-fat protein.

The salmon

Salmon is an excellent source of fat and an excellent choice for filling up on protein in a balanced meal.


Beef contains all the necessary amino acids. It is also a very good source of iron. You have to pay attention to its composition, because it can be lean or high in fat (calories).

The Lamb

Lamb is a very good source of omega 6. It is also a good source of selenium and zinc which is very good for your health.


This fatty fish contains good lipids, it is a very good choice for your diet. In addition, it contains a very high amount of vitamin D.

The shrimp

Shrimp are low in fat, but high in protein. In fact, they are a very good choice since they contain a large amount of protein and a small amount of fat.

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Contraindications for amino acids

The use of amino acid supplements is not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Since there are a multitude of amino acids. We believe that contraindications may exist depending on the amino acid. This is why it is advisable to consult a health professional before starting an amino acid treatment.

From now on, you have all the keys in hand to have soft and silky hair thanks to amino acids. So take advantage of it and don't forget to have beautiful hair you have to pay attention to what's on the plate.

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