8 Vitamines nécessaires à la croissance des cheveux

8 Vitamins Needed for Hair Growth

Vitamins necessary for hair growth

The most effective way to promote hair growth is to follow a balanced and varied diet, which is not always easy, I admit. In this article, let's discover the foods and vitamins to choose when you want to boost hair growth.


Focus on 8 Vitamins that activate hair growth

Hair grows and falls out in cycles. This is called the hair life cycle. The first phase is the anagen phase, also called the growth phase. It lasts 3 to 5 years, years during which the hair will grow and remain anchored in the scalp. This period is the most important because it is at this time that you must take care of your hair fiber the most from the inside and the outside in order to have good quality keratin. Keratin is the protein responsible for the strength, beauty and length of hair.

The second phase is the catagen phase, also called the resting phase. During this phase, the hair grows, but it remains attached to the hair follicle. It prepares to fall out and give way to a new hair. This stage is very quick and only lasts 2 to 3 weeks.

The last phase of the hair life cycle is the telogen phase. It lasts 6 months on average. The hair is dead and eventually falls out, leaving a new hair shaft in place.

In order to boost hair growth and optimize the anagen phase, let's discover the vitamins necessary for creating healthy hair. The objective? Limit vitamin deficiencies and favor foods rich in nutrients.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is mainly known for its antioxidant properties. This is why it is one of the vitamins recommended to promote the proper functioning of hair growth. Many studies have shown that a lack of vitamin A may be linked to many health problems, including excessive hair loss.

Where to find vitamin A in food?

Vitamin A is present in the following foods:

  • Almond Butter
  • Liver of beef
  • Cheeses
  • Eggs

Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is very important for stimulating nutrient absorption. This is why it is recommended to expose yourself to daylight, daily. Calcium is one of the essential ingredients for healthy hair follicles. Having a sufficient intake of vitamin D is very beneficial for hair growth.

    Where to find vitamin D in food?

    • Milk Cheese
    • Cold cuts
    • Enriched cereals
    • Mushrooms

    Vitamin E

      Just like vitamin C, vitamin E plays an antioxidant role promoting the health and beauty of hair. In a study published in Tropical Life Sciences Research , participants who consumed vitamin E supplements for 8 months experienced a 34.5% increase in hair growth.

      Where to find vitamin E in food?

      • Vegetal oils
      • Peanuts and hazelnuts
      • Lawyers
      • Spinach
      • Sardines
      • Tomato puree

      Vitamin B7

        B vitamins are the most effective vitamins for making hair strong, shiny and healthy.

        Vitamin B7 influences the production of fatty acids within cells, which nourish the hair follicles of the scalp. Regular consumption of vitamin B7 helps fight brittle hair and improve hair growth. Many studies show that vitamin B7 deficiency is associated with hair loss. Its deficiency is associated with hair loss. This is why it is appropriate to follow a course of dietary supplements to avoid these deficiencies.

        Where to find vitamin B7 in food?

        • Egg yolk Almonds or walnuts
        • Fish
        • Milk and derivatives
        • Lenses
        • Peas

        Vitamin C

          Vitamin is one of the essential nutrients in the diet for healthy hair. This nutrient acts as an antioxidant and protects against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress stops hair growth and accelerates its aging. Indeed, it is even linked to problems such as breaking and falling. On the other hand, vitamin C helps with the synthesis of collagen, which is an important part of hair structure.

          Where to find vitamin C in food?

          • Citrus fruits such as orange,
          • lemon and grapefruit
          • Cassis
          • Kiwi
          • Peppers
          • Strawberry
          • Parsley

          Vitamin B3

            Vitamin B3 is associated with strong and healthy hair. There are some studies that support its antioxidant action. More specifically, it acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce premature aging of the hair.

            Where to find vitamin B3 in food?

            • Wheat and its derivatives
            • Rice
            • Tuna
            • Chicken
            • Peanuts
            • Calf Liver or Lamb Liver
            • Dried tomatoes

            Vitamin B8

              Known as vitamin H or Biotin. Vitamin B8 is an essential vitamin for hair growth. Indeed, this beauty vitamin plays a big role in hair growth since it allows the body to fix keratin through the synthesis of amino acids. In addition, it also helps put an end to hair loss thanks to its action on keratin during the anagen phase. Due to its high solubility, it is difficult for the body to retain vitamin B8, which is why the treatment of dietary supplements is strongly recommended.

              Where to find vitamin B8 in food?

              • Legumes
              • Sweet Potatoes
              • Liver
              • Eggs

              Vitamin B5

                Vitamin B5 is a vitamin called bepanthene, which accelerates hair growth and increases hair density. In addition, it is also one of the main constituents of Keratin, which is the main protein of hair.

                Where to find vitamin B5 in food?

                • The salmon
                • Veal Shoulder
                • Blue cheese
                • Boiled Mushrooms
                • Breakfast cereals
                • Cooked poultry offal

                Opt for food supplements that promote hair growth.

                The vitamins necessary for healthy hair are numerous and it is difficult to consume them all on a daily basis, whether on the plate or in food.

                This is why Les Confiantes has brought together the best vitamins that act directly on hair growth.

                You will find in our hair growth gummies , a cocktail of group B vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth.

                Our vitamin gummies are available in courses of 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.

                2 healthy recipes to stock up on vitamins and accelerate hair growth

                Confident women offer you two recipes rich in vitamins to maintain your In & Out beauty. Here is a complete healthy salad recipe composed of several vitamin nutrients essential for hair growth.


                Multivitamin salad

                • 200 grams of white Chicken
                • 4 dried tomatoes
                • 50 grams Broccoli
                • 20 grams Almonds or walnuts
                • 100 grams of button mushrooms
                • 2 tablespoons Dressing
                • 1 Batavia salad
                • 1 lemon zest
                1. First of all, you need to wash and clean the salad with clean water and baking soda.
                2. Dry the salad leaves
                3. Next, cook the broccoli and mushrooms over low heat with olive oil.
                4. Add the Batavia leaf preparation
                5. Add the walnuts or almonds and lemon zest
                6. Pour the two tablespoons of vinaigrette
                7. Enjoy this wonderful salad

                After taking care of our internal nutrition. We now have to take care of nourishing our hair. Here is a hair recipe that includes all the vitamins essential for the growth of your hair.

                Homemade vitaminized hair mask

                • 1 egg yolk
                • 5 teaspoons coconut oil
                • A few drops of Tea Tree
                • 1 half lemon A few drops of vitamin B9
                • Shea Butter

                Now you have all the keys in hand to maintain your hair from roots to ends thanks to a balanced diet. Your hair fiber will do wonderfully well.

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